Samstag, 12. Juli 2014

Allotment, June 12, 2014

Yesterday it rained the whole day. Although the rain was much appreciated by the plants, given that the soil was already very dry, I think half the amount would have been good enough. However for the next week no additional watering will be necessary.

Today the weather is nice and sunny. Since the soil was still very wet we didn't stay long. While I was harvesting some vegetables, Gerwin took some close up pictures.

The tomatoes are doing great. We already ate a few ripe ones but there are many more to come. The only nuisance is that quite a few have holes eaten into them by the slugs. But I guess as soon as the majority of the tomatoes starts to ripen this won't be much of an issue any more.

The garlic bulbils start to show clearly inside the protective husk. It won't be long until they break free from their cover. I'm eagerly awaiting that moment.

Gerwin also spottet the first female flowers and tiny fruits on our Caiguas.

This year we have three different kinds of bush beans. Common green ones, yellow ones and purple ones. From the green ones we already harvested a few pods. The purple ones are in full bloom right now and look so beautiful, I'm all in awe.

The onions have big bulbs and this one radish looks just curious. I never had one like this before.

 Things we harvest on a regular basis now are lettuce, kohlrabi and tiny eggplants.

One of our zucchini plants decided to grow like a winter squash. When it started climbing up the tomatoes on the field next to it, I gave it a tomato pole to climb up. It happily took the opportunity. The fruits growing on the vine also look interesting, I wonder how they will taste and how big they will grow.

Our other zucchini plants produce nice fruits too.

The artichoke plants finally start to grow in size. It's their third year now on the allotment and they still haven't bloomed. Maybe they will this year.

The beetroots are growing like mad and already have nice beets.

The pole beans are blooming and the peas got pods.

Today we harvested our first cucumbers for the season and a nice amount of swiss rainbow chard.

When we left the allotment I saw this beautiful blossom growing on the fence.

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